Welcome to this sacred space.

True and Nature is created for Women


About Amanda x

Amanda is an intuitive, soul-led Womb Alchemy Practitioner, and Human Potential Practioner, Her work is infused with somatic and embodiment practises, ceremony + rituals.

Amanda works with emotional clearing, somatic practises and transformational coaching to support women to really step into their fullness.

Amanda has been on her own awakening journey for over 6 years and on her transformation journey for over 14 years.

After a divorce in 2017, it felt like her world fell apart. She had no idea who she was. It felt like everything she knew was gone.

This was a beautiful opportunity for her to start to heal abandonment wounds, disassociation, trauma, lack of self-worth and belief, relationship and intimacy issues. The underlying story that she wasn’t worthy of love.

Amanda went on a beautiful spiritual journey, working with plant medicines and many other ways, including womb alchemy to heal, soften and open into love.

The shift from living in the mind to the heart.

Amanda is here to support women in healing through awareness, acceptance and then learning to alchemise into love. She loves supporting women to remember their true essence and really be in their innate fullness, in resonance with the beauty that dances through us all.

Amanda is passionate about holding a beautiful, safe and sacred space for women to feel seen, heard and safe to really open up and blossom in every area of their life, so they can truly feel alive and enjoy their life, deeply anchored from the heart and living in their purpose.

Acknowledgement Of Country

We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land upon which we live, practice, work and play: Guringai country, the land of the Garigal people. We recognise their continuing connection to land, waters and culture, and pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging. We extend this respect to First Nations peoples all over Australia, and the world.